
Davis AquaStarz

2025 Season Registration



Step 1

Registration Info

Step 2

Participant Info

Step 3


Step 4


Step 5

Additional Info

Step 6


Registration Info

2025 Season
Mar 1, 2025 to Jul 20, 2025
Regular Registration
Born between June 02, 2006 and June 01, 2019

*PLEASE NOTE THAT ALL NEW SWIMMERS MUST PASS A SWIM ASSESSMENT FOR WATER SAFETY iN ORDER TO PARTICIPATE IN THE FULL SEASON. The swim assessment will take place on the first day of practice Sat, March 1, 10:30am-12:00pm @ Arroyo Pool. More information on the swim assessment can be found below. You will be informed if there are any issues with your child passing the swim assessment. 

Season Overview

The first day of practice is Saturday, March 1.

The season begins with conditioning on Saturday, March 1 at 10:30am-12:00pm for Novice (and all first-year swimmers) and 10:30am-1:15pm for Intermediate at Arroyo Pool. Conditioning continues until we move into our competitive season May-July. The team competes in 4 dual meets throughout the season as well as the Annual Show on July 11 & 12 and the Championship competition on July 18 & 20.


During the Spring, practices are three days each week. The Spring Schedule through approximately the end of April (at Arroyo Pool) is:

Novice (and all first-year swimmers) – Tu/Th 6:30-7:30pm and Sat 10:30am-12:00pm
Intermediate – Tu/Th 6:30-8:30pm and Sat 10:30am-1:15pm

Note: Swimmers are expected to arrive at all practices 15 min before the practice begins. Swimmers should be changed into swimwear, have sunscreen applied, be finished with any snacks/drinks, and have their towel/mat out and ready to begin by the time practice starts.

Routine learning will begin approximately at the end of April, after which there will be adjustments to the practice schedule and additional mandatory routine practices throughout the rest of the season (which could occur on any day of the week). You will be informed of any practice changes/additions. During the season, practices will be listed on the team website and Band app. Please note practice times/location may change due to pool availability, so please check the schedule weekly and watch your email for updates. 

Mandatory Before the First Practice: Swimmer and Parent Code of Conduct

Print and sign both of the below linked documents:

One document is for parents/guardians and the other is for the swimmer. Parents, please review the swimmer document with your child before having them sign. Both of these documents must be printed, signed, and brought to practice on the first day of the season (March 1, 2025) for swimmers to participate. Failure to bring both signed documents will result in that swimmer being unable to participate in the first practice. 


The fee for the 2025 season is $1,250. 

The AquaStarz has a no refund policy and cannot issue a refund once you have registered.

If you have chosen the installment plan, and for any reason (other than major injury) your swimmer leaves the program, you are STILL responsible for the remaining balance of the $250 program cost. You will be sent a bill for the balance due 30 days upon receipt. If you prefer the installment option, you can continue $250 monthly installments until the balance is zero. Please reach out to davisaquastarztreasurer@gmail.com with any questions on this matter.

(Exception for New Swimmers only: If, in the opinion of the coaching staff or parent board, your child does not pass the new swimmer assessment, and you have already made your first payment on the Credit Card Installment Plan [see below], you will be refunded your first payment.)

You will have 2 options for payment at checkout:

Pay with Credit Card using Installment Plan

  • Pay online with credit card in five equal INSTALLMENTS* of $250 (totaling $1,250).
  • The first payment is made at the time of registration, and the remaining four payments will be automatically charged on the first days of April, May, June, and July to the card you enter at checkout.
  • Each installment of $250 will incur a per transaction processing fee of $7.85.
  • To avoid processing fees and have the additional option to pay in full, see below for the Venmo/check payment options.

Pay with Check, Transfer, etc. (check or Venmo with no processing fees)

  • Selecting this option will give you more options for payment that have no processing fees, including:
    • Monthly INSTALLMENTS* with Venmo

      • Pay with Venmo in five equal INSTALLMENTS* of $250 (totaling $1,250)
      • Venmo payments should be sent to @Davis-AquaStarz
    • ​Payment in FULL with Check or Venmo

      • ​Pay with Check or Venmo IN FULL ($1,250)
      • Check payments should be made payable to Davis AquaStarz and mailed to Davis AquaStarz, P.O. Box 1684, Davis, CA 95617
      • Payments by check cannot be made in installments
  • If you are paying in FULL, the $1,250 payment is due immediately upon completing your registration. If you are paying in INSTALLMENTS, the first $250 payment is due immediately upon completing your registration, followed by the remaining 4 payments of $250 due on the first of April, May, June, and July.

*Reminder: Installment plans are not a month-to-month membership. Should your swimmer not complete the entire season, you are still responsible for the full payment of $1,250.

If you have any questions during the registration process, please contact aquastarzweb@gmail.com.

Band App & Team Website

Once you have registered, you will receive a confirmation email asking you to download the TeamLinkt mobile app. We will not be using the TeamLinkt app. Instead, we use an app called Band. If you were on the team last year, you are already in the team's Band group. If you are new to the team, you will receive more information on Band after the season beings. You can also access season information by visiting the team's website at https://aquastarz.org/aquastarz/TeamMembers

New Swimmer Assessment

New swimmers (first time on the team) must complete a New Swimmer Assessment on the first day of practice on Saturday, March 1, 10:30am-12:00pm at Arroyo Pool in Davis. For both safety reasons and to ensure a positive experience for each swimmer, new swimmers will need to demonstrate certain water safety skills in deep water. If you have any questions or concerns about your swimmer being able to complete the assessment, don't hesitate to contact us at aquastarzweb@gmail.com.

Participant Info



Additional Info

Emergency Contacts

Medical Info

Additional Agreements

Misc. Info


Item Amount
Registration Fees $1,250.00
Subtotal $0.00
Total Due (USD) $0.00
Total Due Now (USD) $0.00
Total Due Later (USD) $0.00

We will register you now and send you an email closer to the start of the season when payment is is required.


Davis AquaStarz is a volunteer-run organization. It takes an amazing amount of effort to keep the team running smoothly and our swimmers having fun in the water. Every family needs to sign up for a team job - there are opportunities for one-time events, helping with a large committee, and doing projects from home. In addition to the team job, all families will need to sign up for a Show job and work one night of the annual water show. If your swimmer participates in a meet, you will also be expected to volunteer for a meet job. The team cannot run without the help of all families, and we appreciate your time and enthusiasm to make this a great season for our swimmers!


Swimmers, coaches, officials, parents, and spectators are to conduct themselves in a manner that demonstrates respect for other swimmers, coaches, officials, parents, spectators, and fans. In becoming a member of this organization, an individual assumes certain obligations and responsibilities to the organization and its participants. The essential elements in this Code of Conduct are HONESTY and INTEGRITY. Those who conduct themselves in a manner that reflects these elements will bring credit to themselves, their team, and their organization. It is only through such conduct that our organization can continue to earn and maintain a positive image and make its full contribution to our sport and community. 

The following essential elements of the Code of Conduct must be followed:

  1. Sportsmanship and teaching the concepts of fair play are essential to competition and must be taught at all levels and developed both at home and in the pool during practices and meets.
  2. The value of good sportsmanship, the concepts of fair play, and the skills of the competition should always be placed above winning.
  3. The safety and welfare of the swimmers are of primary importance.
  4. Swimmers should always demonstrate positive behavior and respect toward teammates, opponents, coaches, officials, parents, and spectators.
  5. Coaches, players, parents, and spectators are expected to demonstrate the utmost respect for officials and reinforce that respect to players/teammates. 
  6. Grievances or misunderstandings between coaches, officials or any other parties involved with the organization should be communicated through the proper channels and procedures, never on or about the pool in view of swimmers, spectators, or participants. 
  7. Spectators involved with a meet must never permit anyone to openly or maliciously criticize, badger, harass or threaten an official, coach, swimmer, or opponent.
  8. Eligibility requirements, at all levels of competition, must be followed.


Once registered, you will be asked to initial and sign a physical copy of the code of conduct and return it at the first practice.

  1. Read and initial the Swimmer Code of Conduct and Responsibilities (the text can be found below and a link to this will be included in your registration confirmation email) with your swimmer and do your best to help your swimmer follow those guidelines. 
  2. Make sure your swimmer brings towel, yoga mat, goggles, a swim cap, nose plug, and WARM CLOTHES to all practices – sometimes the swimmers need to get out of the water during practices (dry land practice) and when wet, it can be chilly, especially in the evening.  
  3. Swimmers are expected to arrive at all practices 15 min before the practice begins. Swimmers should be changed into swimwear, have sunscreen applied, be finished with any snacks/drinks, and have their towel/mat out and ready to begin by the time practice starts.
  4. Please be on time when picking up and dropping off your children from practice. Coaches sometimes need to leave the pool directly after one practice to get to the next practice at another pool on time.
  5. Be a positive role model for your child and encourage sportsmanship by showing respect and courtesy, and by demonstrating positive support for all swimmers, coaches and officials at every practice and meet. 
  6. Parents' access to the pool may be restricted or limited at times due to health or City rules. In the event that parents are allowed on the pool deck, parents must wait at the picnic benches at Arroyo pool and remain in the viewing stands at Community pool. Parents should not approach the pool, land practice area, or coaches while practice is in session.
  7. On deck photography and videotaping is allowed only with the coach’s permission. 
  8. Please refrain from talking to children or coaches during practices unless the coach approaches you first. 
  9. Decisions regarding who will participate in routines at both the competitions and in the annual show are at the sole discretion of the coaching staff and will be determined by ability and attendance. Swimmers advance at different rates and enter the program with different abilities and at different times. This may necessitate changes in who is asked to be in particular routines. 
  10. Please address any questions or concerns to the coach only after practice has finished and the swimmers have left the area. Many simple questions can be answered via the representative for your swimmer. Issues should never be discussed while the swimmers are present. Grievances or disagreements should be addressed after a 24 hour “cool down period,” an email should be sent requesting a formal meeting with the coach (head coach or assistant coach) to arrange a time to discuss said issue. If a satisfactory solution is unable to be agreed upon with the coach, a board representative will then be brought into the discussion to help facilitate an agreeable resolution. Any concerns regarding Junior coaches should be brought to the head coach or assistant coach. If you need to talk at length to the coach, please make an appointment with her. Any unresolved issues should be directed to the AquaStarz Board.
  11. Swimmers may not leave practice early without parent/guardian approval. If your swimmer needs to leave practice early for any reason, a coach must be informed by that swimmer's parent or guardian for liability reasons (even if it's a last minute or sudden departure from practice).
  12. Please read and respond to e-mailed and printed information promptly. 
  13. Any person at an AquaStarz practice or competition under the influence of drugs or alcohol will not be allowed in the pool facility.


Parents: Please read this list of swimmer responsibilities and conduct expectations with your swimmer. Once registered, you and your swimmer will be asked to initial and sign a physical copy of the code of conduct and return it at the first practice.

  1. Show up at practice on time and with a positive attitude. Swimmers are expected to arrive at all practices 15 min before the practice begins. Swimmers should be changed into swimwear, have sunscreen applied, be finished with any snacks/drinks, and have their towel/mat out and ready to begin by the time practice starts.
  2. Swimmers must sign in at the start of practice in order to ensure that we have an accurate head count in case of emergency.
  3. Swimmers may not leave practice early without parent/guardian approval. If a swimmer needs to leave practice early for any reason, a coach must be informed by that swimmer's parent or guardian for liability reasons (even if it's a last minute or sudden departure from practice).
  4. Any absences from a mandatory practice must be reported to the team as soon as the swimmer learns about the absence. (Contacts for reporting absences will be provided to all members.) 
  5. ALL ROUTINE PRACTICES ARE MANDATORY. Successful routine practices rely on the presence of all routine participants, therefore, any swimmer with 2 unexcused absences will be removed from the routine. An unexcused absence is any absence not reported as soon as it is known, or an absence for any reason other than illness, school conflict, or family emergency. Vacations, parties, or other conflicts are not excused absences. Leaving practice early, without prior approval, is also considered an unexcused absence. The earlier the team is told about an anticipated absence, the lesser chance your child will be scheduled with a conflicting mandatory practice.
  6. Swimmers will have a limited amount of time in which to learn their routines and demonstrate a complete knowledge of the choreography based on the difficulty of the choreography. A swimmer who is unable to learn the choreography in a reasonable amount of time may be removed from the routine at the discretion of the coaches.
  7. Swimmers must comply with all COVID protocols required by the AquaStarz or the City of Davis in order to participate. Like all DJUSD athletes, swimmers are encouraged to get tested at Health Davis Together once a week to ensure the health and safety of all team members, coaches, and lifeguards. Any positive COVID tests by any swimmer must be reported to the team immediately upon receiving results. (Contacts for reporting results will be provided to all members.)
  8. Follow the 'Rules of the Pool' at our pools and at the pools we visit for meets:
    • Walk on deck - no running.
    • No rough play or profanity allowed.
    • Physical contact with fellow swimmers should be of an appropriate nature.
    • Language and conversation topics at practice should remain appropriate for all age levels.
    • Do not enter the pool without a coach or lifeguard at the side of the pool.
    • No swimmers are permitted on the diving boards without coaches’ express approval.
    • No glass, ceramic, or otherwise breakable bottles, jars, mugs, etc. on the pool deck.
    • No cell phones, cameras, or video recording devices allowed in the locker room or restrooms.
    • No swimmer may participate if under the influence of drugs or alcohol. They will be sent home, and a parent will be contacted.
  9. Establish goals, and actively train to achieve them.
  10. Work together with your teammates.
  11. Show respect for all coaches and lifeguards.
  12. Keep your ears above water when coaches are giving directions. Coaching many swimmers in the water is challenging due to the noise level of splashing water and all swimmers need to be extra good listeners.
  13. The consequences for talking back to coaches or lifeguards or not following directions will be as follows:
    • A verbal reminder will be given.
    • If needed, the swimmer will be asked to get out of the water for a short period of time to regain a positive attitude.
    • The swimmer will be asked to get out of the water for the remainder of the practice and parents will be contacted.
  14. If a swimmer is having any issues, including but not limited to their routines, teammates, practices, or competitions, please bring this to the attention of the head coach, assistant coach, or a board member. A meeting can be arranged away from practice to discuss the issue and come up with a solution. 

The AquaStarz has a no refund policy and cannot issue a refund once you have registered.

If you have chosen the installment plan, and for any reason (other than major injury) your swimmer leaves the program, you are STILL responsible for the remaining balance of the $1,250 program cost. You will be sent a bill for the balance due 30 days upon receipt. If you prefer the installment option, you can continue $250 monthly installments until the balance is zero. Please reach out to davisaquastarztreasurer@gmail.com with any questions on this matter.

By registering with TeamLinkt, you commit to adhere to the refund policies, fees, and timelines set by your chosen organization or program. You commit not to initiate any chargebacks.  Deviations from this policy may result in the forfeiture of any refund.


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Questions? Contact Davis AquaStarz

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