
Embrun Minor Hockey Association

Maxi Power Hockey Classic U9 Tournament


Step 1

Registration Info

Step 2

Coach Info

Step 3

Additional Info

Step 4


Registration Info

2024-2025 Season
May 13, 2024 to Jun 1, 2025
Regular Registration
EMHA would like to welcome you to our Embrun Fall Classic – U-9 Jamboree Tournament
This year we are happy to host a total of 30 teams across the 3 tiers of U-9 teams.
Dates: November 1st to 3rd, 2024

L’Association du hockey mineur d’Embrun vous souhaite la bienvenue au Tournoi Classique d’Automne d’Embrun – U-9 Jamboree
Nous sommes fiers d'accueillir un total de 30 équipes répartis sur les 3 niveaux d'équipes novices à notre tournoi cette année.
Dates :  1er au 3 novembre 2024

Coach Info

Additional Info

Choose a Tier / Choisir un niveau :

Team Information / Information sur l’équipe :

Team Officials / Responsables d’équipe

Player Roster / Liste des joueurs


Item Amount
Registration Fees CA$625.00
Subtotal CA$0.00
Total Due (CAD) CA$0.00
Total Due Now (CAD) CA$0.00
Total Due Later (CAD) CA$0.00

We will register you now and send you an email closer to the start of the season when payment is is required.

Tournament rules can be found here:  https://drive.google.com/file/d/1OQ_GFWQ1e1kHjCU5r2SoUJVxoir05dWZ/view?usp=sharing


Vous pouvez trouver les règlements du tournoi ici: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1DBgozibKtyMluTWsFQ9j6_6d8LdfpQiJ/view?usp=sharing


Refund Policy for Hockey Tournament

1. Refund Schedule:

  • 60 Days or More Before the Tournament Start Date:
    Full refund of the registration fee.

  • 30 to 59 Days Before the Tournament Start Date:
    Forfeit of $200 from the registration fee. The remaining amount will be refunded.

  • 1 to 29 Days Before the Tournament Start Date:
    No refund will be issued, and the full amount owed must be paid.

  • Once the Schedule Has Been Released (14 Days Prior to the Tournament Start Date):
    No refunds will be issued for any reason.

2. Division Cancellation:

  • Divisions Not Operating Due to Lack of Teams:
    If a division does not operate due to insufficient teams (minimum of 4 teams required), a full refund will be issued.

By registering with TeamLinkt, you commit to adhere to the refund policies, fees, and timelines set by your chosen organization or program. You commit not to initiate any chargebacks.  Deviations from this policy may result in the forfeiture of any refund.

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