
Get Gungho

Get Gungho: Football - Term One 2024

Get Gungho: Tot Shots - 18 to 36 months


Step 1

Registration Info

Step 2

Participant Info

Step 3


Step 4


Step 5

Additional Info

Step 6


Registration Info

Get GungHo Football 2024
Jan 6, 2024 to Dec 31, 2024
Regular Registration
SGD 35.00
Additional Fees
SGD 75.00

TERM 1 2004 Football Training Schedule

Term One 2024 Schedule

Week 1: 6/7 Jan
Week 2: 13/14 Jan
Week 3: 20/21 Jan
Week 4: 27/28 Jan
Week 5: 3/4 Feb
Week 6: 24/25 Feb
Week 7: 2/3 Mar
Week 8: 9/10 Mar


Football Training Timings and Locations

Participant Info



Additional Info

Select the correct age group for your child based on date of birth. For example, if your child has not had his 6th birthday yet, select the 3 to 6 years range.


Item Amount
Registration Fees SGD 35.00
Annual Registration Fee SGD 30.00
Team Jersey And Training Ball SGD 45.00
Subtotal SGD 0.00
Total Due (SGD) SGD 0.00
Total Due Now (SGD) SGD 0.00
Total Due Later (SGD) SGD 0.00

We will register you now and send you an email closer to the start of the season when payment is is required.

The person registering any child for any Get GungHo activities, training sessions, games, programmes, events and camps MUST be the child's parent or legal guardian.  

Football and other invasion games are contact sports and, as such, injuries can and do happen. Whilst Get GungHo will take every precaution, injuries do happen.

Whilst Get GungHo will take every precaution to ensure injuries do not occur during our activities, training sessions, games, programmes, events and camps.

Get GungHo, our coaches, staff and participants will not be held responsible or liable for any injuries, permanent or otherwise to your child or losses of property that may occur arising from any cause whatsoever during their time participating in our activities, training sessions, games, programmes, events and camps.

We would advise participants and/or parents to get themselves and/or their child covered with personal insurance in relation to any sports-related injuries.

Should Get GungHo be unable to contact an injured child's parents children registered in any of our activities, training sessions, games, programmes, events and camps that require medical attention acknowledge and accept that they have given permission to Get GungHo to seek medical assistance for their child and that the parents will bear full financial responsibility for any costs incurred.

Get GungHo reserves the right to use any photographs and/or videos taken during any Get GungHo activities, training sessions, games, programmes, events and camps for publicity purposes.

Get GungHo reserves the right to the usage of live footage taken at any of our activities, training sessions, games, programmes, events and camps for live streaming purposes.

We reserve the right to update and/or amend our Terms and Conditions from time to time. You are advised to review this page periodically for any changes.

By registering for any Get GungHo activities, training sessions, games, programmes, events and camps you acknowledge and accept that you have read, understood and agree to our Terms and Conditions as well as any additional Rules and Regulations documents shared or published by Get GungHo. Furthermore, you consent to be bound by all Get GungHo Terms and Conditions and health declarations as set and amended by Get GungHo.

By registering with TeamLinkt, you commit to adhere to the refund policies, fees, and timelines set by your chosen organization or program. You commit not to initiate any chargebacks.  Deviations from this policy may result in the forfeiture of any refund.

Questions? Contact Get Gungho

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