

November 2 Tryouts 2024-2025 Club Season

November 2 Tryouts 2024-2025 Club Season


Step 1

Registration Info

Step 2

Participant Info

Step 3


Step 4


Step 5

Additional Info

Step 6


Registration Info

Regular Registration
Between Grade 5 and Grade 12


NEPA Elite will always emphasize hard work, sportsmanship, teamwork, and character. We are committed to providing a program of excellence in the achievements of our athletes, in the expertise of our coaches and staff, and most importantly, in opportunities for every athlete to develop into the best player, teammate, and person they can be. We want to build players who accept and love the challenge of training and who experience the enjoyment of personal fulfillment inherent in learning the values of responsibility, teamwork, commitment, and perseverance.


EVERY ATHLETE MUST PURCHASE A TRYOUT MEMEBERSHIP  Please make sure you purchase AAU  Insurance Membership.

Before you can step on the court for any tryout or practice, you must become a member of AAU



Purchase Extended (AB)


Membership. you also can find it out on NEPA Elite web site. The system works best on a computer using Chrome or Firefox for your browser. After clicking the membership link, the membership flow will open. 

TRYOUT DATE: Saturday Novmber 2nd 

 LOCAL AT: The Rock Rec Sports Complex  

Don't forget your volleyball shoes, water bottle and knee pads 

Please arrive 20 minutes before tryouts 

TEAMS: Teams will be based on registrations, and are open to age levels: Girl's 10 and up.  Boys 14 and up. 



Participant Info



Additional Info


Item Amount
Registration Fees $30.00
Subtotal $0.00
Total Due (USD) $0.00
Total Due Now (USD) $0.00
Total Due Later (USD) $0.00

We will register you now and send you an email closer to the start of the season when payment is is required.


NOTE: This form must be read and signed before player listed below is allowed to take part in any training, competition, practice/warm-up sessions, meeting or testing sessions.

I, THE PARTICIPANT, HAVE READ THIS DOCUMENT AND I UNDERSTAND ITS CONTENTS. I acknowledge that volleyball or any sporting event is an extreme test of a person’s physical and mental limits and carries with it the potential for death, serious injury or property loss. With a full understanding of the potential risks, I HEREBY ASSUME THE RISKS OF PARTICIPATING IN OR OFFICIATING A VOLLEYBALL EVENT/PRACTICE. I hereby take the following action for myself, my executors, administrators, heirs, next of kin, successors and assigns: a) I waive, release and discharge from any and all claims or liabilities for death or personal injury or damages of any kind, except that which is a result of gross negligence and/or wanton misconduct of persons or entities listed below, which arise out of or are related to my participation in, or my traveling to and from a

volleyball event led by representatives of the following entities: The NEPA Elite Volleyball Club,  any other facility, organization, business and/or organization that allows us to use their gym/equipment, and the coaches or any guest coaches and the officers, directors, employees, representatives, and agents of any of the above; b) I agree not to sue any of the persons or entities mentioned above for any of the claims or liabilities that have waived, released or discharged herein; c) I indemnify and hold harmless the persons or entities mentioned above from any claims made or liabilities assessed against them as a result of my actions.


executes the foregoing Waiver and Release for and on behalf of the minor named herein. I hereby

bind myself, the minor and all other assigns to the terms of the Waiver and Release. I represent

that I have legal capacity and authority to act for and on behalf of the minor named herein, and I

agree to indemnify and hold harmless the persons or entities mentioned above for any claims or

liabilities assessed against them as a result of any insufficiency of my legal capacity or authority to !

act for and on behalf of the minor in the execution of the Waiver and Release.

________” I have voluntarily enrolled in NEPA Elite Volleyball Club  and understand all the risks associated with participation in this program. I recognize that the program may involve strenuous physical activity including, but not limited to muscle strength and endurance training, cardiovascular conditioning and training, and other various fitness activities. I hereby affirm that I am in good physical condition and do not suffer from any known disability or condition which would prevent or limit my participation in this Volleyball  program. I acknowledge that my enrollment and subsequent participation is purely voluntary.”

________” I, the undersigned, waive and release the NEPA Elite Volleyball Club LLC, its directors, coaches, staff, independent contractors, The NEPA Elite Volleyball Club, LLC  and its employees, volunteers, staff and representatives from any and all liability, claims, demands, and causes of action arising out of or related to any loss, personal injury (including death), disease, illness, or property loss that may be sustained or occur from participation in or otherwise be associated with the NEPA Elite Volleyball Club.

________ “In consideration of my participation in this program. I hereby release VanEssa Kerecman, NEPA Elite Volleyball Club LLC , or its trainers/agents from any claims, demands, and cause of action as a result of my voluntary participation and enrollment.”

________ “I fully understand that my child can injure their as a result of my enrollment and subsequent participation in this program and I hereby release NEPA Elite Volleyball Club LLC and it's trainers/agents from any liability now or in the future for conditions that I may obtain. These conditions may include, but are not limited to heart attacks, muscle strains, muscle pulls, muscle tears, broken bones, shin splints, heart prostration, or any other illness, injury or soreness that I may incur, including death.”

I have read the club rules and expectations and agree to adhere to them.

I understand that valuables are brought to practice, tournaments etc  are at its own risk. Any personal items lost or stolen will not be replaced by the NEPA Elite Volleyball Club..

I hereby consent to receive medical treatment which may be deemed advisable in the event of injury, accident, and/or illness during camp.

I understand that players  may be photographed / Video clips  during the club. I agree to allow undersigned players  photos or videos to be used for legitimate purposes by the NEPA Elite Volleyball Club LLC. In any promotional materials players  would not need to be identified by name.

I have read and fully understand this release of liability. I sign it of my own free will.

I understand all the risks associated with participation in this program. I certify that the undersigned camper is physically capable of participating in the NEPA Elite Volleyball club and all related activities. Exceptions are noted on the medical form.

is physically fit to participate in all activities at the volleyball practice and matches, and has had a recent physical exam.

NEPA Elite Volleyball club, LLC  Release and Waiver of Liability: ​I understand that playing or participating in the above sport(s) may be a potentially dangerous activity with the risk of injury. I understand that in any contact sport, such as the sport involved at this camp, an athletic participant can be seriously hurt.

I am aware that the dangers and risk of my child/ward playing or participating in the above sport include, but are not limited to, falls, contact or collisions with other participants, equipment and facilities and the effects of weather, including heat and humidity. I understand that my child/ward may incur a serious injury including paralysis or death, as a result of the dangers and risks associated with the above sport(s). I have certified to the coach, by my signature below, that my child is in good health and physical condition and sufficiently able to participate in the camp. I understand that the coach recommends that my child/ward obtain a physical examination to identify any physical condition or limitation of which I might not be aware that could affect her participation in the above named sport(s). I have advised the coach of any limitations on my child/ward’s activities for medical reasons.

Knowing and having been informed of the potential dangers and risks associated with playing the above sport(s), and in consideration of my child/ward being allowed to participate in the camp, I hereby agree on behalf of myself, my family members and my child/ward to assume all such risks and further, to waive, release, discharge and hold harmless NEPA Elite Volleyball Club LLC and their respective employees, coaches, camp instructors and volunteers from any and all liability actions, causes of actions, claims or demands for personal injury, death or property damage of any kind or nature, and any other claim whatsoever arising out of, or in any way connected with my child/ward playing and participating in the above sport and camp. This Release and Waiver extends to all claims of every kind or nature whatsoever, foreseen or unforeseen, known or unknown. The terms hereof shall serve as an assumption of risk, release and waiver for myself, my family, my child/ward and our heirs, executors, administrators, guardians or anyone else who might assert a claim on our behalf.

I hereby consent to permit the coach and staff working at the camp to provide emergency first-aid or medical treatment for my child/ward according to their best judgment, in the event he/she suffers an injury or illness while participating in the camp or on the camp premises.



I hereby agree to allow NEPA Elite Volleyball Club LLC. to record and publish photos and videos (including audio) of myself for the purpose of promoting NEPA Elite Volleyball Club LLC.  I understand photographs, video and/or audio tape recordings to be taken of myself and/or family members at practice, during competition, recreational play, as well as other related events at NEPA Elite Volleyball Club LLC . I understand that this media will be produced and used for promotional purposes  and I authorize NEPA Elite Volleyball Club LLC  to use my/our photographs, video and/or audio recordings on its website and social media platforms, such as Facebook , Twitter, YouTube, Instagram, Snapchat, etc., as well as other printed publications without further consideration. In addition, I acknowledge NEPA Elite Volleyball Club LLC, Inc.'s right to crop or treat the media at its discretion, and I also acknowledge that NEPA Elite Volleyball Club LLC  may choose not to use my/our image at this time but may do so as its own discretion at a later date.

I also understand that once I, or my family members, image(s) have been captured, they may be posted on NEPA Elite Volleyball  websites or social media platforms, the image may be downloaded by any computer user on or off the premises of NEPA Elite Volleyball Club Event or Practice or . facilities. NEPA Elite Volleyball Club LLC also reserves the right to discontinue use of photos without notice.

Parent and Player Code of Conduct


It is the mission of NEPA Elite Volleyball club,LLC  to provide a positive, competitive youth volleyball experience for player, parent and coach. We emphasize long-term player development of physical, emotional and social skills. While winning is an absolute priority in club volleyball, winning will not be placed above good sportsmanship (defined as respecting rules and procedures set forth below, teammates, coaches, officials, opponents and oneself). It is our goal to create an environment that will benefit the individual as well as the team.

Your Child has joined an elite, competitive volleyball program. Competitive team athletics, by its very nature, creates situations where everyone may not be happy all the time. Team success is intimately linked to individualsuccess. Each player will fill a necessary role on the team. Although some roles are larger than others, none are insignificant to the overall success of the team. Coaches will discuss and define each role with the individual. Players are encouraged to use practices as an avenue for further developing their skills and expanding their role on the team. Players and parents must understand that the only desire of the coach is to assist the team in reaching its full potential. We can only achieve this by encouraging, acknowledging and supporting each other’s efforts in practice, scrimmages and tournaments.


This Code of Conduct is a written contract between parents, players and coaches to abide by the policies and procedures of NEPA Elite Volleyball Club,LLC. We expect all parties to maintain a positive attitude and uphold the ideals of fair play and good sportsmanlike behavior. This contract is more than just paper, it is our policies and procedures and adherence to these

policies and procedures is of primary importance. To participate in NEPA Elite Volleyball Club,LLC, all players and parents are required to agree to and sign this Code of Conduct.

Zero Tolerance Policy: NEPA Elite Volleyball Club,LLC has adopted a Zero Tolerance Policy towards certain policies and procedures in the Code of Conduct. Failure to follow the Zero Tolerance policies and procedures of the Code of Conduct can result in your daughter being dismissed from the club.


We understand that it is our goal to provide positive support for our daughter, her teammates, her coaches, her opponents, officials and to NEPA Elite Volleyball Club, LLC Nothing just at work. We are fully committed to NEPA Elite Volleyball Club,LLC and therefore will abide by the following policies and procedures:


We will assist our child in meeting the policies and procedures as laid out in the Player’s Contract Code of Conduct. We understand that if our child violates the Zero Tolerance policies and procedures in the Code of Conduct in any way, that she can be dismissed from NEPA Elite Volleyball Club, LLC

We will assist our child in respecting her teammates, coaches, officials and opponents.

 We will be a fan of our child and their teammates, not a coach or a critic.

We understand that our child must sign up to play with NEPA Elite Volleyball Club,LLC  We understand that this needs to be done immediately following him/her making the team and before the first practice. We understand that we must go to www.nepaelitevolleyballclub.com to sign him/her up. We understand failure to do so will keep her from playing with the club.

We understand our child must be a certified scorekeeper and that he/she must goto a scorekeeping clinic or renew her membership if she was certified the previous year. We understand there are no exceptions to this requirement and that our child may not be able to play without completing this requirement. We understand available clinics are listed on www.nepaelitevolleyball.com This should be done before the first or second tournament.

We understand we will have to complete and turn in a USAV Medical Release form for the current club ball year. NO OTHER MEDICAL RELEASE FORM WILL BE ACCEPTED AS THIS IS A USAV RULE. We understand the release form is available at www.nepaelitevolleyball.com and should be turned into NEPA Elite Volleyball Club,LLC no later than the first week of practice.

We understand that our child club dues are not refundable if we choose not to participate. If we choose not to participate, but have not completed paying the club dues, we understand we will be responsible for the remainder of the club dues.

We understand that the place for payment is hand-delivered to the NEPA Elite Volleyball Club Directors or online through your family account. Payments may not be given to our child coach, but may be given to a director of NEPA Elite Volleyball Club at practice before the due date.

   We understand that in addition to our child club dues, we will be responsible for paying for all transportation to and from practices, scrimmages and tournaments and that we will also be responsible for hotel fees at overnight tournaments. We understand that these fees are in addition to our NEPA Elite Volleyball Club,LLC dues and that they can be significant.

We understand that if we have a sponsorship for our child, the sponsor must also pay the fees on time. If the sponsorship monies will not arrive on time, it is the parent’s responsibility to make the tuition payment and once the sponsorship monies arrive, the parent will be reimbursed.

We understand that if our team participates in post-season play, there will be additional fees and expenses that will be assessed and determined at that time.

We understand that any information that needs to be disseminated will be done soby our son/daughter’s coach, or the NEPA Elite Volleyball Club,LLC Directors.

We will get our child to practice and tournaments on time (15 minutes prior for practice and 1 hour prior for tournaments) and will pick her up on time. We understand that if our child is late, not ready on time, not in the appropriate attire, they may be disciplined by the coach, at the coach’s discretion.

We understand that if our child cannot come to a practice and/or tournament, the coach needs to be notified as soon as possible.

If we bring other children to our child practices and tournaments, we will not leave them unattended and we will ensure that they do not interfere with practices and/or the tournaments.


• We will make all payments to NEPA Elite Volleyball Club,LLC before or upon the due date of the month. We understand that our payments are late and that our son/daughter will IMMEDIATELY become ineligible to participate in practices, scrimmages and tournaments until our fees are current. We also understand that we will be charged a late fee of $25.00. We understand that there will be no exceptions for late payments.

a)  We understand that team selections are made by the team's head and assistant coaches. We trust their judgment and will be supportive of our child and the team for which she was chosen.

b)  We understand that playing time is not guaranteed and is left solely to the discretion of the coach. We understand that we are paying for practice and that our child may not have any playing time at tournaments.

c)  We understand that issues surrounding playing time will be handled in the following manner ONLY. We understand there will be NO EXCEPTIONS. We understand if this chain of command is not followed, there will be no discussions regarding playing time.

b) We understand that ONLY if our child has approached the coach first and there is still a concern, then the parent may request a meeting with the coach. We understand this request for a meeting must be made before or after a practice and that the meeting will take place at another time or place as there will be no “walk-up” meetings with our child coach. We understand it is always best for our child to address concerns directly to the coach, and that if we still wish to have a conference with the coach; we should be prepared for FRANK answers. We understand that coaches WILL NOT discuss “coaching decisions”.

c)  Coaching decisions will include, among other things, specific match decisions (who played when, who was subbed out and when, etc.).We understand the amount of time our daughter is given on the court is the result of a complex determination, in there coach’s opinion, of our child  ability, the athlete’s potential, the athlete's position and the team’s needs at the moment and the teams needs for the future. We understand the coach will not be required to defend his/her thought process or conclusions in these determinations, and it is improper for a parent to make that request. In addition, we understand coaches have been instructed not to discuss any athlete with a parent other than the parent’s own child.

a) We understand our child must approach the coach first regarding issues concerning playing time. We understand this should be done before or after practices, but NEVER before, during or immediately following a tournament. While it is the intent of the NEPA Elite coaching staff to have an “open-door” policy, please adhere to the “24 hour rule” and do not approach or confront a coach during or immediately after tournament play. It is suggested that the parent prepare an email to the coach 24 hours after the tournament is over to set up a time to talk.

d) We understand that if we feel our concern has still not been addressed,that we can ask to speak to the Coaching Director. We understand the procedure will be to complete an Issue Resolution Form and submit via email and allow the Coaching Director to respond in 48 hours in the event he or she is not out of town at a tournament. Please allow return time to schedule a meeting.

We understand that it is inappropriate for an athlete or parent to approach other NEPA Elite Volleyball Club members about a problem the athlete or parent is having with a NEPA Elite Volleyball Club Coach, about objections to coaching decisions or about disagreements with administrative decisions. We understand asking uninvolved persons to take sides in an issue is unfair to the third party and to the club. We understand that if we are approached and asked to listen to or express an opinion about matters between two other parties in the club, that we are strongly encouraged to direct the complaining party to take the matter up with our daughter’s coach, the NEPA Elite Coaching Director or the club Director.

We understand that we are not to knowingly disseminate false information regarding NEPA Elite Volleyball Club,LLC or its members to other NEPA Elite Volleyball Club,LLC players, parents, coaches, officials and opponents through any social media outlets.

We are allowed to attend practices, but must not coach, critique our child, they're teammates or ourchild coach at any time.

We are to act as good ambassadors of NEPA Elite Volleyball Club,LLC at all times.

We are to treat all of our child  teammates and coaches with the utmost respect and will show support for the entire team, not just our child.

We will remain in the spectator areas during all games.

10. We will not use foul or abusive language towards anyone at any practices, scrimmages or tournaments.

Players Pledge

An athlete will be ineligible for athletic participation or practice for the following:

 a. Smoking

b. Influence or possession of alcohol or drugs

Immediate dismissal from the club could result from any the following:

a)  Obscene gestures; profanity or swearing

b)  Provocation

c)  Fighting

d)  Stealing

e)  Unexcused missed practices or games

f)  Other disciplinary situations which may arise

g)  Nonpayment of membership dues

h)  Insubordination towards any member of NEPA Elite Volleyball Club including the
coaching staff and chaperones, referees, fans, etc.

An athlete who is removed from the team for disciplinary reasons will not be eligible to practice or play with another club until the athlete adheres to the guidelines for changing clubs under the USAV,JVA,AAU policy.


a)  Be on time for all practices and tournaments.

b)  Display good sportsmanship on and off the court.

c)  Display respect & show a good, positive attitude toward the sport, teammates, and
coaching staff.

d)  Prepare mentally for competition and take care of details prior to the match.

e)  Notify your coach if you will be late or not attend a NEPA Elite Volleyball Club event. This includes practice and tournaments. No notification by the player is considered an unexcused absence and may impact an athlete’s future play time.

f)  We understand that we are not to knowingly disseminate false or slanderous
information regarding  NEPA Elite Volleyball Club or its members to other  NEPA Elite Volleyball Club players, parents, coaches, officials and opponents through any social media outlets.

Practice & Tournaments

a)  Each athlete will play at the coach's discretion. The coach will determine the amount of playing time. All athletes are required to be at all practices in order to compete in the following tournament. Any player missing any practices between tournaments will sit out at the coach’s discretion.

b)  Any questions concerning playing time must be addressed first through your coach via phone call or meeting on a non-playing day. There will be NO discussions during a game, tournament, or practice.

c)  All players are required to participate in tournament work team duties and must stay until all duties and responsibilities are fulfilled.


Travel Policy

At  NEPA Elite Volleyball Club we expect our players and coaches to represent the club in a professional and respectable manner when traveling to and participating in tournaments. All players will be expected to follow the rules stated in player and Parent Contract. The off court actions of our players and coaches are just as important as those on the court. In today’s recruiting atmosphere college coaches are looking for players who are well disciplined both on and off the court.

As part of our player development we strongly believe in players staying as teams when they are at a tournament. You will find the teams that are the most successful and that compete at the National level have team chemistry and have developed a team concept. This is also becoming an important characteristic coaches at the next level are looking for in recruiting players. We want to make sure our athletes are fully prepared in all aspects of the game. We do understand that this may cause an additional cost for our families who travel to tournaments but it is one that has value in the development of their son/daughter.

All players must secure transportation to all tournament locations. Players must arrive to the hotel by the specified time and attend all team meetings. Players must also remember to bring meal money when attending tournaments.

Absolutely no boys are allowed at the team hotel with the girls. Same with the boys team no girls. All players will have curfew every night. Players are not allowed to leave the room after curfew unless it is an emergency in which case they will call the coach. Prior to curfew players will always travel in groups and never alone. Players are not to leave the hotel or playing venue without notifying their coach. Drugs, tobacco, and alcohol are of course strictly forbidden. Players caught with the above will meet with staff and their parents to determine the course of action. Punishments will be swift and firm.

Videotaping and Still Photography

I agree to be photographed and videotaped for this production by NEPA Elite Volleyball Club,LLC or its approved vendors without receiving compensation of any kind. I understand that this footage may be used, as deemed appropriate by NEPA Elite Volleyball Club,LLC for future productions which may be viewed by public and private sector audiences.


We understand that our failure to comply with any of the Zero Tolerance policies and procedures listed above will be deemed as being contrary to the positive development of NEPA Elite Volleyball Club LLC and can result in our son/ daughter being dismissed from the club.

I have read and agree to the conditions set forth above by NEPA Elite Volleyball Club, LLC

Refund Policies

Girls & Boys Volleyball Club Refund Policy ​ 


  1. When you accept an offer to participate, you accept the financial obligations for the entire club fee for that season. When teams are comprised, monies immediately go directly into uniforms, tournament entry, travel and other fees. 
  2.  Refunds will not be given to any players who choose not to play because of conflicts, team or coaching assignments, or an individual’s amount of playing time or for any injuries at anytime during the club season. 
  3.  All Club Fees are NON-REFUNDABLE for ANY reason, even in the event that your daughter/son quits, is suspended or injured at any point in the season.
  4.  Club Tryout fees and Open Gym Fees are non-refundable. If a player registers and pays for an Open Gym session and they cannot attend that day and time they can request we transfer their registration to another open gym day and time if it is not full.  But there are not any credits or refunds once Club tryout fees or open gym fees are paid for.  


    A Junior Club player must remit all club fees as specified by their Club/Team, within the club’s scheduled time frame. If fees are unpaid at the end of the Club’s season, the Club Director may use any legal means necessary to obtain payment, i.e. collection agency. 

By registering with TeamLinkt, you commit to adhere to the refund policies, fees, and timelines set by your chosen organization or program. You commit not to initiate any chargebacks.  Deviations from this policy may result in the forfeiture of any refund.


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