
Saskatoon Wrestling Club



Step 1

Registration Info

Step 2

Participant Info

Step 3


Step 4

Additional Info

Step 5


Registration Info

Training Camp
Jul 3, 2024 to Aug 28, 2024
Early Registration (Ends Jun 29, 2024 @ 11:59 pm)
Regular Registration

Hello everyone!!

We are excited to announce that registration for our new fitness/crossfit session will be open soon. Please watch your email for notification.

Participant Info


Additional Info

Saskatoon Wrestling Club

Code of Conduct



  1. The following terms have these meanings in this Code:
    1. “Club” – Saskatoon Wrestling Club
    2. “Individuals” – All categories of membership defined in the Club’s Bylaws, as well as all individuals engaged in activities with the Club including, but not limited to, athletes, coaches, referees, officials, volunteers, managers, administrators, committee members, and directors and officers of the Club
    3. “Harassment” – Behaviour that constitutes harassment is defined in Section 7(b)
    4. “Workplace Harassment or Workplace Violence” – Behaviour that constitutes workplace harassment and workplace violence is defined in Section 7(c)
    5. “Sexual harassment” – Behaviour that constitutes sexual harassment and workplace violence is defined in Section 7(d)
    6. “Controls” - controls are processes that aim to prevent injury, harassment, and violence. 


  1. The purpose of this Code is to ensure a safe and positive environment by making Individuals aware that there is an expectation of appropriate behaviour consistent with this Code. The Club supports equal opportunity, prohibits discriminatory practices, and is committed to providing an environment in which all individuals are treated with respect and fairness.

Application of this Code

  1. This Code applies to Individuals’ conduct during the Club’s business, activities, and events including, but not limited to, competitions, practices, tryouts, training camps, travel associated with the Club’s activities, the Club’s office environment, and any meetings.
  2. This Code also applies to Individuals’ conduct outside of the Club’s business,  activities, and events when such conduct adversely affects relationships within the Club and/or its Members (and its work and sport environment) and is detrimental to the image and reputation of the Club. Such jurisdiction will be determined by the Club at its sole discretion.
  3. An Individual who violates this Code may be subject to sanctions pursuant to the Club’s Discipline and Complaints Policy.
  4. An employee of the Club found to have breached this Code will be subject to appropriate disciplinary action subject to the terms of the Club’s Human Resources Policy, as well as the employee’s Employment Agreement, as applicable. Violations could result in a warning, reprimand, access restrictions, suspension and other disciplinary actions up to and including termination of employment/contract.


  1. Individuals have a responsibility to:
    1. Maintain and enhance the dignity and self-esteem of the Club members and other individuals by:
      1. Demonstrating respect to individuals regardless of body type, physical characteristics, athletic ability, age, ancestry, colour, race, citizenship, ethnic origin, place of origin, creed, disability, family status, marital status, gender identity, gender expression, sex, and sexual orientation
      2. Focusing comments or criticism appropriately and avoiding public criticism of Individual or the Club
      3. Consistently demonstrating the spirit of sportsmanship, sport leadership, and ethical conduct
      4. Acting, when appropriate, to correct or prevent practices that are unjustly discriminatory 
      5. Consistently treating individuals fairly and reasonably
      6. Ensuring adherence to the rules of the sport and the spirit of those rules
    2. Refrain from any behaviour that constitutes harassment. Types of behaviour that constitute harassment include, but are not limited to:
      1. Written or verbal abuse, threats, or outbursts
      2. The display of visual material which is offensive or which one ought to know is offensive
      3. Unwelcome remarks, jokes, comments, innuendo, or taunts
      4. Leering or other suggestive or obscene gestures
      5. Condescending or patronizing behaviour which is intended to undermine self-esteem, diminish performance or adversely affect working conditions
      6. Practical jokes which cause awkwardness or embarrassment, endanger a person’s safety, or negatively affect performance
      7. Any form of hazing
      8. Unwanted physical contact including, but not limited to, touching, petting, pinching, or kissing
      9. Unwelcome sexual flirtations, advances, requests, or invitations
      10. Physical or sexual assault
      11. Behaviours such as those described above that are not directed towards a specific individual or group but have the same effect of creating a negative or hostile environment
      12. Retaliation or threats of retaliation against an individual who reports harassment
    3. Refrain from any behaviour that constitutes Workplace Harassment or Workplace Violence, where workplace harassment is defined as conduct against a worker in a workplace that is known or ought reasonably to be known to be unwelcome; and where workplace violence is defined as the exercise of physical force by a person against a worker, in a workplace, that causes or could cause physical injury to the worker; an attempt to exercise physical force against a worker, in a workplace, that could cause physical injury to the worker; or a statement or behaviour that it is reasonable for a worker to interpret as a threat to exercise physical force against the worker, in a workplace, that could cause physical injury to the worker. Workplace matters should not be confused with legitimate, reasonable management actions that are part of the normal work function, including measures to correct performance deficiencies, such as placing someone on a performance improvement plan, or imposing discipline for workplace infractions. Types of behaviour that constitute workplace harassment or workplace violence include, but are not limited to:
      1. Workplace Harassment
        1. Bullying
        2. Repeated offensive or intimidating phone calls or emails
        3. Inappropriate touching, advances, suggestions or requests
        4. Displaying or circulating offensive pictures, photographs or materials
        5. Psychological abuse
        6. Discrimination
        7. Intimidating words or conduct (offensive jokes or innuendos)
        8. Words or actions which are known or should reasonably be known to be offensive, embarrassing, humiliating, or demeaning
      2. Workplace Violence
        1. Verbal threats to attack a worker
        2. Sending to or leaving threatening notes or emails
        3. Making threatening physical gestures
        4. Wielding a weapon
        5. Hitting, pinching or unwanted touching which is not accidental
        6. Blocking normal movement or physical interference, with or without the use of equipment
        7. Sexual violence
        8. Any attempt to engage in the type of conduct outlined above
    4. Refrain from any behaviour that constitutes Sexual Harassment, where sexual harassment is defined as unwelcome sexual comments and sexual advances, requests for sexual favours, or conduct of a sexual nature. Types of behaviour that constitute sexual harassment include, but are not limited to:
      1. Sexist jokes
      2. Display of sexually offensive material
      3. Sexually degrading words used to describe a person
      4. Inquiries or comments about a person’s sex life
      5. Unwelcome sexual flirtations, advances, or propositions
      6. Persistent unwanted contact
    5. Abstain from the non-medical use of drugs or the use of performance-enhancing drugs or methods. More specifically, the Club adopts and adheres to the Canadian Anti-Doping Program. The Club will respect any penalty enacted pursuant to a breach of the Canadian Anti-Doping Program, whether imposed by the Club or any other sport Club
    6. Refrain from associating with any person for the purpose of coaching, training, competition, instruction, administration, management, athletic development, or supervision of the sport, who has incurred an anti-doping rule violation and is serving a sanction involving a period of ineligibility imposed pursuant to the Canadian Anti-Doping Program and/or the World Anti-Doping Code and recognized by the Canadian Centre for Ethics in Sport (CCES)
    7. Refrain from the use of power or authority in an attempt to coerce another person to engage in inappropriate activities
    8. Refrain from consuming alcohol, tobacco products, or recreational drugs while participating in Club programs, activities, competitions, or events. In the case of adults, avoid consuming alcohol in situations where minors are present and take reasonable steps to manage the responsible consumption of alcohol in adult-oriented social situations associated with the Club’s events
    9. Respect the property of others and not wilfully cause damage
    10. Adhere to all federal, provincial, municipal and host country laws
    11. Comply, at all times, with the Club’s bylaws, policies, procedures, and rules and regulations, as adopted and amended from time to time
    12. When driving a vehicle with an Individual:
      1. Not have his or her license suspended
      2. Not be under the influence of alcohol, illegal drugs or substances
      3. Have valid car insurance
    13. Refrain from engaging in deliberate cheating which is intended to manipulate the outcome of a competition and/or not offer or receive any bribe which is intended to manipulate the outcome of a competition.

Board/Committee Members

  1. In addition to section 7 (above), Club’s Directors and Committee Members will have additional responsibilities to:
    1. Function primarily as a member of the board and/or committee(s) of Club; not as a member of any other particular member or constituency
    2. Act with honesty and integrity and conduct themselves in a manner consistent with the nature and responsibilities of the Club’s business and the maintenance of Individuals’ confidence
    3. Ensure that the Club’s financial affairs are conducted in a responsible and transparent manner with due regard for all fiduciary responsibilities
    4. Conduct themselves openly, professionally, lawfully and in good faith in the best interests of Club
    5. Be independent and impartial and not be influenced by self-interest, outside pressure, expectation of reward, or fear of criticism
    6. Behave with decorum appropriate to both circumstance and position
    7. Keep informed about the Club’s activities, the provincial sport community, and general trends in the sectors in which they operate 
    8. Exercise the degree of care, diligence, and skill required in the performance of their duties pursuant to the laws under which the Club is incorporated
    9. Respect the confidentiality appropriate to issues of a sensitive nature
    10. Respect the decisions of the majority and resign if unable to do so
    11. Commit the time to attend meetings and be diligent in preparation for, and participation in, discussions at such meetings
    12. Have a thorough knowledge and understanding of all Club governance documents
    13. Conform to the bylaws and policies approved by Club


  1. In addition to section 7 (above), coaches have many additional responsibilities. The coach-athlete relationship is a privileged one and plays a critical role in the personal, sport, and athletic development of the athlete. Coaches must understand and respect the inherent power imbalance that exists in this relationship and must be extremely careful not to abuse it, consciously or unconsciously. Coaches will:
    1. Ensure a safe environment by selecting activities and establishing controls that are suitable for the age, experience, ability, and fitness level of the involved athletes.
    2. Prepare athletes systematically and progressively, using appropriate time frames and monitoring physical and psychological adjustments while refraining from using training methods or techniques that may harm athletes.
    3. Avoid compromising the present and future health of athletes by communicating and cooperating with sport medicine professionals in the diagnosis, treatment, and management of athletes’ medical and psychological treatments.
    4. Support a safe environment for training staff, support staff, and medical staff.
    5. Accept and promote athletes’ personal goals and refer athletes to other coaches and sports specialists as appropriate.
    6. Support the coaching staff of a training camp, provincial team, or national team; should an athlete qualify for participation with one of these programs.
    7. Provide athletes (and the parents/guardians of minor athletes) with the information necessary to be involved in the decisions that affect the athlete.
    8. Act in the best interest of the athlete’s development as a whole person.
    9. Comply with the Club’s Screening Policy, if applicable.
    10. Report to the Club any ongoing criminal investigation, conviction, or existing bail conditions, including those for violence, child pornography, or possession, use, or sale of any illegal substance.
    11. Under no circumstances provide, promote, or condone the use of drugs (other than properly prescribed medications) or performance-enhancing substances and, in the case of minors, alcohol and/or tobacco.
    12. Respect athletes playing with other teams and, in dealings with them, not encroach upon topics or actions which are deemed to be within the realm of 'coaching', unless after first receiving approval from the coaches who are responsible for the athletes.
    13. Dress professionally, neatly, and inoffensively.
    14. Use inoffensive language, taking into account the audience being addressed.
    15. Recognize the power inherent in the position of coach and respect and promote the rights of all participants in sport. This is accomplished by establishing and following procedures for confidentiality (right to privacy), informed participation, and fair and reasonable treatment. Coaches have a special responsibility to respect and promote the rights of participants who are in a vulnerable or dependent position and less able to protect their own rights.
    16. Not engage in a sexual relationship with an athlete under 18 years old, or an intimate or sexual relationship with an athlete over the age of 18 if the coach is in a position of power, trust, or authority over the athlete.
    17. Refrain from using their power or authority to coerce another person to engage in or tolerate sexual or harmful activities.
    18. Refrain from conduct that causes physical or emotional harm to Individuals.
    19. Prevent the use of power or authority in an attempt, successful or not, to coerce another person to engage in or tolerate sexual activity.


  1. In addition to section 7 (above), athletes will have additional responsibilities to:
    1. Report any medical problems in a timely fashion, when such problems may limit their ability to travel, practice, or compete; or in the case of carded athletes, interfere with the athlete’s ability to fulfill their carded athlete requirements.
    2. Participate and appear on-time, well-nourished, and prepared to participate to their best abilities in all competitions, practices, training sessions, tryouts, tournaments, and events
    3. Properly represent themselves and not attempt to participate in a competition for which they are not eligible by reason of age, classification, or other reason
    4. Adhere to the Club’s rules and requirements regarding clothing and equipment
    5. Act in a sportsmanlike manner and not display appearances of violence, foul language, or gestures to other athletes, officials, coaches, or spectators
    6. Dress in a manner representative of the Club; focusing on neatness, cleanliness, and discretion
    7. Act in accordance with the Club’s policies and procedures and, when applicable, additional rules as outlined by coaches and/or managers
    8. Participate only in the program they have registered for and understand permission must be granted mutually by each program’s head coach to attend other programs. Furthermore, athletes must adhere to the authority, decisions, and training plan of the head coach of each program.
    9. Respect and adhere to the authority and decisions of coaches with respect to disciplinary matters.
    10. The head coach of the practice facility for the athlete has final say concerning disciplinary matters.
    11. Respect and adhere to the community outreach and club fundraising expectations as defined by the head coach for each program.
    12. Respect and adhere to the decisions of the board with respect to disciplinary matters.

Parents/Guardians and Spectators

  1. In addition to paragraph 7 above, Parents/Guardians and Spectators at events will:
    1. Encourage athletes to play by the rules and to resolve conflicts without resorting to hostility or violence
    2. Condemn the use of violence in any form
    3. Never ridicule a participant for making a mistake during a performance or practice
    4. Provide positive comments that motivate and encourage participants continued effort
    5. Respect the decisions and judgments of officials, and encourage athletes to do the same. Feedback on competition performances is provided by officials only to the coaching staff, so parents are encouraged to discuss any questions with your athletes coach
    6. Recognize that officials, executives and staff act in good faith, and in the best interests of the athletes and sport as a whole.
    7. Respect the decisions and judgments of officials, and encourage athletes to do the same
    8. Never question an officials’ or staffs’ judgement or honesty
    9. Support all efforts to remove verbal and physical abuse, coercion, intimidation and sarcasm
    10. Respect and show appreciation to all competitors, and to the coaches, officials and other volunteers
    11. Refrain from the use of bad language, nor harass competitors, coaches, officials, parents/guardians or other spectators

Binding Arbitration

  1. If any dispute arises between the Parties relating to the application, interpretation, implementation or validity of this agreement, the Parties agree to resolve the dispute by arbitration using the Canadian Arbitration Association Expedited Arbitration Rules. The parties agree that the Canadian Arbitration Association Expedited Arbitration Rules give the parties a fair opportunity to present their case and respond to the case of the other side. The arbitration shall be held in Saskatoon, SK, Canada and shall proceed in accordance with the provisions of the Saskatchewan Arbitration Act. Judgement upon the award rendered by the arbitrator may be entered in any court having jurisdiction.



Read the terms and sign in the box.


WARNING!  Please read carefully. By uploading your dated signature, you will waive certain legal rights including the right to sue. This is a binding legal agreement. Clarify any questions or concerns before signing. As a participant in the sport of wrestling and the activities, programs, classes, services provided and events sponsored or organized by:Saskatoon Wrestling Club, including but not limited to: travel tournaments, practices, training, personal training, dry land training, use of strength training and fitness conditioning equipment, machines and facilities, nutritional and dietary programs, orientation or instructional sessions or lessons, aerobic and anaerobic conditioning programs (collectively the “Activities”), the undersigned acknowledges and agrees to the terms outlined in this agreement.


  1. Saskatoon Wrestling Club and their respective Directors, Officers, committee members, members, employees, coaches, volunteers, officials, participants, agents, sponsors, owners/operators of the facilities in which the Activities take place, and representatives (collectively the “Organization”) are not responsible for any injury, personal injury, damage, property damage, expense, loss of income or loss of any kind suffered by a Participant during, or as a result of, the Activities, caused in any manner whatsoever including, but not limited to, the negligence of the Organization.

Description and Acknowledgement of Risks

  1. I understand and acknowledge that:
    1. The Activities have foreseeable and unforeseeable inherent risks, hazards and dangers that no amount of care, caution or expertise can eliminate, including without limitation, the potential for serious bodily injury, permanent disability, paralysis and loss of life. The sport of wrestling involves intense physical contact between athletes and equipment, and is dangerous;
    2. A pertinent risk to participating in the sport of wrestling is the risk of suffering serious head injury should I fall, trip, or stumble onto the mats or walls.
    3. The Organization has a difficult task to ensure safety and it is not infallible. The Organization may be unaware of my fitness or abilities, may misjudge weather or environmental conditions, may give incomplete warnings or instructions, and the equipment being used might malfunction; and COVID-19;
    4. The coronavirus diseases COVID-19,  has  been  declared  a  worldwide  pandemic  by  the  World  Health  Organization  and  COVID-19  is extremely  contagious.  The  Organization  has  put  in  place  preventative  measures  to  reduce  the  spread  of  COVID-19; however, the Organization cannot guarantee that I will not become infected with COVID-19. Further, participating in the Activities could increase my risk of contracting COVID-19.
  2. I am participating voluntarily in the Activities. In consideration of my participation, I hereby acknowledge that I am aware of the risks, dangers and hazards associated with or related to the Activities. The risks, dangers and hazards include, but are not limited to:
    1. Health: executing strenuous and demanding physical techniques, physical exertion, overexertion, stretching, dehydration, fatigue, cardiovascular workouts, rapid movements and stops, lack of fitness or conditioning, traumatic injury, bacterial infections, fungal infections, rashes, and the transmission of communicable diseases, including viruses of all kinds, COVID-19, bacteria, parasites or other organisms or any mutation thereof;
    2. Premises: defective, dangerous or unsafe condition of the facilities; falls; collisions with objects, walls, equipment or persons; dangerous, unsafe, or irregular conditions on floors, mats, walls, or other surfaces, extreme weather conditions; travel to and from premises;
    3. Use of Equipment: mechanical failure of the equipment; negligent design or manufacture of the equipment; the provision of or the failure by the Organization to provide any warnings, directions, instructions or guidance as to the use of the equipment; failure to use or operate the equipment within my own ability;
    4. Contact: contact with mats, ropes, walls, floors, other equipment, vehicles, or other persons, and may lead to serious bodily injury, including but not limited to concussions and/or other brain injury, or serious spinal injury;
    5. Advice: negligent advice regarding the Activities;
    6. Ability: Failing to act safely or within my own ability or within designated areas;
    7. Sport: the sport of wrestling and its inherent risks, including but not limited to, running, sliding or slipping on the mat surface, lifting, throwing, being thrown, being lifted by other athletes;
    8. Cyber: privacy breaches, hacking, technology malfunction or damage;
    9. Conduct: My conduct and conduct of other persons including any physical altercation between participants;
    10. Travel: Travel to and from the Activities;
    11. Negligence: My negligence and negligence of other persons, including NEGLIGENCE ON the PART OF THE ORGANIZATION, may increase the risk of damage, loss, personal injury or death. I understand that the Organization may fail to safeguard or protect me from the risks, dangers and hazards of wrestling programs, some of which are referred to above.


  1. In consideration of the Organization allowing me to participate in the Activities, I agree:
    1. That when I practice or train in my own space, I am responsible for my surroundings and the location and equipment that I select;
    2. That my mental and physical condition is appropriate to participate in the Activities and I assume all risks related to my mental and physical condition;
    3. To comply with the rules and regulations for participation in the Activities;
    4. To comply with the rules of the facility or equipment;
    5. That if I observe an unusual significant hazard or risk, I will remove myself from participation and bring my observations to a representative of the Organization immediately;
    6. The risks associated with the Activities are increased when I am impaired and I will not to participate if impaired in any way;
    7. That it is my sole responsibility to assess whether any Activities are too difficult for me. By commencing an Activity, I acknowledge and accept the suitability and conditions of the Activity;
    8. That I am responsible for my choice of safety or protective equipment and the secure fitting of that equipment.
    9. Covid-19: that COVID-19 is contagious in nature and I may be exposed to, or infected by, COVID-19 and such exposure may result in personal injury, illness, permanent disability, or death.

Release of Liability and Disclaimer

  1. In consideration of the Organization allowing me to participate, I agree:
    1. That the sole responsibility for my safety remains with me;
    2. To ASSUME all risks arising out of, associated with or related to my participation;
    3. That I am not relying on any oral or written statements made by the Organization or its agents, whether in a brochure or advertisement or in individual conversations, to agree to participate in the Activities;
    4. To WAIVE any and all claims that I may have now or in the future against the Organization;
    5. To freely ACCEPT AND FULLY ASSUME all such risks and possibility of personal injury, death, property damage, expense and related loss, including loss of income, resulting from my participation in the Activities;
    6. To FOREVER RELEASE and INDEMNIFY the Organization from any and all liability for any and all claims, demands, actions, damages (including direct, indirect, special and/or consequential), losses, actions, judgments, and costs (including legal fees) (collectively, the “Claims”) which I have or may have in the future, that might arise out of, result from, or relate to my participation in the Activities, even though such Claims may have been caused by any manner whatsoever, including but not limited to, the negligence, gross negligence, negligent rescue, omissions, carelessness, breach of contract and/or breach of any statutory duty of care of the Organization;
    7. To FOREVER RELEASE AND INDEMNIFY the Organization from any action related to my becoming exposed to or infected by COVID-19 as a result of, or from, any action, omission or negligence of myself or others, including but not limited to the Organization;
    8. That the Organization is not responsible or liable for any damage to my vehicle, property, or equipment that may occur as a result of the Activities;
    9. That negligence includes failure on the part of the Organization to take reasonable steps to safeguard or protect me from the risks, dangers and hazards associated with the Activities; and
    10. This release, waiver and indemnity is intended to be as broad and inclusive as is permitted by law of the Province of Saskatchewan and if any portion thereof is held invalid, the balance shall, notwithstanding, continue in full legal force and effect.


  1. I agree that in the event that I seek damages against the Organization, I will do so solely in the Province of Saskatchewan and further agree that if any dispute arises between the Parties relating to the application, interpretation, implementation or validity of this agreement, the Parties agree to resolve the dispute by arbitration using the Canadian Arbitration Association Expedited Arbitration Rules. The parties agree that the Canadian Arbitration Association Expedited Arbitration Rules give the parties a fair opportunity to present their case and respond to the case of the other side. The arbitration shall be held in Saskatoon, SK, Canada and shall proceed in accordance with the provisions of the Saskatchewan Arbitration Act. Judgement upon the award rendered by the arbitrator may be entered in any court having jurisdiction.


  1. I acknowledge that I have read and understand this agreement, that I have executed this agreement voluntarily, and that this agreement is to be binding upon myself, my heirs, spouse, children, parents, guardians, next of kin, executors, administrators and legal or personal representatives. I further acknowledge by signing this agreement I have waived my right to maintain a lawsuit against the Organization on the basis of any claims from which I have released herein.



The Participant (and the Participant’s parent/guardian, if applicable) authorizes the Organization to collect and use personal information about the Participant for the purposes described in the Organizations’ policies for privacy.

Read the terms and sign in the box.

Saskatoon Wrestling Club

Media Release Form

Dear Athlete / Parent / Guardian: 

The organizers of the Saskatoon Wrestling Club Programs may be videotaping or taking photographs of you/your child/youth participating in the Saskatoon Wrestling Club program. This documentation may be used in future brochures, our website, or posters, or shown to sponsors of the programs. 

To ensure your privacy we would like your permission to include you/your child in these photographs. Please complete this form and return it to us at your earliest convenience. 



Saskatoon Wrestling Club 


I, the participant/parent/guardian agree to give permission for photographs of myself/my child to be used in future promotional, social media or informational packages put together by Saskatoon Wrestling Club.

Read the terms and sign in the box.


Item Amount
Registration Fees CA$180.00
Subtotal CA$0.00
Total Due (CAD) CA$0.00
Total Due Now (CAD) CA$0.00
Total Due Later (CAD) CA$0.00

We will register you now and send you an email closer to the start of the season when payment is is required.

Saskatoon Wrestling Club Terms and Conditions

SWC Members are required to:

  • Attend practices.

  • Respond to communications from the SWC, coaches, and team manager.

SWC Members are requested to:

  • Represent SWC as ambassadors from time to time throughout the season.

  • Participate in SWC endorsed events where possible.

  • Participate and promote SWC’s programs where possible.

As a member of the SWC, I agree to the following conditions:

  • I will provide SWC with current, accurate information and supporting documentation

  • I am aware that it is my responsibility to notify the SWC of any injuries.

  • I am aware that it is my responsibility to keep my contact details up to date.

  • I am aware that I must read and sign all waivers.


NOTE: Failure to comply with the conditions laid out in this agreement may result in invalidation of your status as a member of SWC.


Your acceptance of these Terms and Conditions will be required when submitting your online application.

The club will provide a refund on a case by case basis.

By registering with TeamLinkt, you commit to adhere to the refund policies, fees, and timelines set by your chosen organization or program. You commit not to initiate any chargebacks.  Deviations from this policy may result in the forfeiture of any refund.

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