
South Dundas United FC

Winter 2024-25 Coaches


Step 1

Registration Info

Step 2

Coach Info

Step 3


Step 4

Additional Info

Step 5


Registration Info

South Dundas United FC – Winter Futsal 2024-25
Nov 27, 2024 to Mar 5, 2025
Regular Registration
Born after Jan 1, 2014
Thank you for volunteering. Many hands make light work, and we need many hands at South Dundas United FC. If you have time to spare and a willingness to help, thank you. :)

Coach Info


Additional Info

A vulnerable sector check is required for all adult volunteers. Student volunteers under 18 or those who are 18 and still attending secondary school do not require one. If you are an adult and have a vulnerable sector check on file already, a proactive disclosure form will be required. New adult volunteers require a vulnerable sector check. These are completed online now. SDU will contact you if we do not have one on file.
New to coaching? Need a refresher? Like to learn some new techniques or things? Select yes to the coaching clinic. The plan is to offer a coaching clinic before the May 18 start to the season. Clinics are free. If weather is an issue, the clinic will be indoors.


Item Amount
Registration Fees No Cost
Subtotal CA$0.00
Total Due (CAD) CA$0.00
Total Due Now (CAD) CA$0.00
Total Due Later (CAD) CA$0.00

We will register you now and send you an email closer to the start of the season when payment is is required.


I realize there is potential risk of injury from the activities involved in this program. I knowingly and freely assume all such risks, both known and unknown. I, for myself and on behalf of my heirs, assigns, personal representatives and next of kin, HEREBY RELEASE AND HOLD HARMLESS the South Dundas United organization, their officers, agents and/or employees, other participants, sponsoring agencies, sponsors, advertisers, and, if applicable, owners and lessors of premises used to conduct the event (“Releasees”), WITH RESPECT TO ANY AND ALL INJURY, DISABILITY, DEATH, or loss or damage to person or property, WHETHER CAUSED BY THE NEGLIGENCE OF THE RELEASEES OR OTHERWISE.

The novel coronavirus, COVID-19, has been declared a worldwide pandemic by the World Health Organization and COVID-19 is extremely contagious. The Organization has put in place preventative measures to reduce the spread of COVID-19; however, the Organization cannot guarantee that the Participant will not become infected with COVID-19. Further, attending the activities could increase your risk of contracting COVID-19.

As parent/guardian with legal responsibility for this participant, I hereby consent and agree to his/her release as provided above of all the Releasees, and, for myself, my heirs, assigns, and next of kin, I release and agree to indemnify the Releasees from any and all liabilities incident to my child’s involvement or participation in the program as provided above.

By registering with TeamLinkt, you commit to adhere to the refund policies, fees, and timelines set by your chosen organization or program. You commit not to initiate any chargebacks.  Deviations from this policy may result in the forfeiture of any refund.

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