
Ste Anne Minor Hockey

2024-25 Team Staff Registration


Step 1

Registration Info

Step 2

Coach Info

Step 3


Step 4

Additional Info

Step 5


Registration Info

2024-25 Season
Regular Registration

Thank you for your interest in volunteering to be a part of the team staff of one of the Ste Anne Minor Hockey teams!

Please ensure to review the following webstie: https://leagues.teamlinkt.com/steanneminorhockey/Coaching

Coach Info


Additional Info


Item Amount
Registration Fees No Cost
Subtotal CA$0.00
Total Due (CAD) CA$0.00
Total Due Now (CAD) CA$0.00
Total Due Later (CAD) CA$0.00

We will register you now and send you an email closer to the start of the season when payment is is required.

In addition to the required Hockey Coaching Levels, a child abuse registry check will be required. This process will be completed through Ste Anne Minor Hockey.  More information to come.



The goal of Ste. Anne Minor Hockey (SAMH) is to cultivate each player's love for hockey while developing each child's individual and team skills. Our mission is to use the sport of hockey to enhance a child’s self-esteem, build character, teach the importance of sportsmanship, foster team involvement, encourage healthy competition, and promote respect for players, parents, coaches, officials, and opponents.
Your good example and your compliance with the Code of Conduct are crucial in helping the organization achieve our goals. Your membership and participation in SAMH activities is conditional on your review and acknowledgement of our  Code of Conduct and by your compliance with the Code at ALL SAMH events.
At all SAMH activities, at any venue, I WILL:
1. Create a positive hockey environment for my child and the team at all SAMH activities.
2. Be positive to all players, coaches, referees and parents.
3. Be encouraging, supportive, and positive in regard to my child’s play on the ice and development of his/her hockey skills.
At all SAMH activities, at any venue, I WILL NOT:
1. Use obscene, vulgar, antagonizing, offensive or boisterous language to anyone.
2. Taunt players, coaches, officials, parents, rink employees or other spectators by means of baiting, ridiculing, threat or use of physical violence.
3. Be critical of any coach or the SAMH program or policies in front of my child(ren)or other team players. If I have a concern or grievance that I feel needs to be addressed, I will share my concerns by discussing them with the president and/or board.
4. Coach from the stands. I will respect the coaches’ decisions and abilities. I will not interfere at any time with the duties and responsibilities of the coach. I will not put my child in an unfair position of having to decide who to listen to – the parent or the coach.

I will respect the arena by ensuring that no puck, ball or any other object is shot anywhere other than on the ice. That no marking of the walls or damage to the facility occurs that is avoidable. I will respect the dressings rooms by cleaning up any mess or garbage.
I support the belief that the most important aspect of my child’s youth hockey experience is for them to have fun while developing physical and emotional skills, interest, and friendships that will serve them for life.
I recognize situations may arise outside the scope of these codes. I will abide by the decision of the SAMH Board on issues not specifically addressed in the scope of this document.
I acknowledge the board will deal with violations of the Code of Conduct at its sole discretion, imposing warnings, suspension, or expulsion from the program, as it deems appropriate. Refunds are not given to players or parents suspended or expelled based on violations of the code.
I have read, understand, and will comply with the spirit and the letter of the Ste. Anne Minor Hockey Association Code of Conduct.

By registering with TeamLinkt, you commit to adhere to the refund policies, fees, and timelines set by your chosen organization or program. You commit not to initiate any chargebacks.  Deviations from this policy may result in the forfeiture of any refund.
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