By completing this form, you are registering with both Woodstock Minor Baseball Association and Baseball Ontario.
Baseball Ontario appoints Woodstock Minor Baseball Association to collect fees on its behalf, included in the registration fee collected through this process. No additional monies is charged to the parent registering locally. Baseball Ontario invoices Woodstock Minor Baseball Association for fees collected.
On behalf of myself and the player being registered, I recognize that baseball entails serious risks. Consequently, except as noted below, I and the player being registered relinquish all rights to a claim of any kind, including the right to a claim for bodily and material damages, regardless of the cause, against Baseball Ontario, its member associations, including Woodstock Minor Ball Association and their respective officers, employees, coaches, umpires, assignees, agents, representatives, and sponsors, even if such damages result from negligence of Baseball Ontario, its member associations, including Woodstock Minor Ball Association and their respective officers, employees, coaches, umpires, assignees, agents, representatives, and sponsors.
Without restricting the generality of the preceding, I and the player being registered also relinquish the right to any claim against Baseball Ontario, its member associations, including Woodstock Minor Ball Association and their respective officers, employees, coaches, umpires, assignees, agents, representatives, and sponsors resulting from a decision on their part, regardless of the nature of this decision.
This release of Baseball Ontario, Woodstock Minor Ball Association and the other persons noted above does not preclude myself or the player being registered from making a claim under any sports accident coverage provided by Baseball Ontario and/or Woodstock Minor Ball Association to their players. An overview of the current sports accident coverage provided by Baseball Ontario can be found at
Baseball Ontario Privacy Policy can be found on their website at mleditattachedfiles/privacy_policy2017-03- 30t09-54-18v001_by_292.pdf
In carrying out its mandate as defined under its Constitution, Woodstock Minor Ball Association (WMBA) collects personal information about individuals as defined in section 3 of the Privacy Ac. WMBA is committed to respecting the privacy rights of all individuals whose personal information has been collected by WMBA.
The WMBA privacy policy is an expression of the commitment to adhere to the legislative requirements under the Privacy Act concerning the handling of personal information. Its objective is to balance the WMBA's need to collect, retain, use, disclose and dispose of personal information about individuals with the right to privacy of those individuals, and the ensure that all individuals are aware of the circumstances under which their personal information will be collected, retained, used, disclosed, and disposed of by WMBA.
Woodstock Minor Ball Association uses email as it's primary means of communication. Every bulk email sent contains a link to opt out and you are welcome to use that however that may impact the quality of communication that you receive from us.